Different category or types of websites all tries to accomplish different kind of things.

When you’re starting a new website you have to carefully consider what type of website do you want. Seeing and researching for some example can serve as inspiration for your work. You can narrow down the goals and setup you have in mind, and you can easily identify the other websites in your category to look for inspiration.
Here are the most popular types of websites you’ll see around the web. Some categories may overlap, but in general each type of website has certain goals to achieve.
Small Business Type of website
Every business out there, even small businesses should have a website to showcase the products and/or services that they offer, and if they don’t, it makes the business look less professional or legitimate. Your website details should include hours of operation, contact details, location details with a map, different kinds of services, products you offer and other relevant information that quickly provides a customer needs.
Corporate Type of website
These corporate websites are for large corporations with many employees. Naturally, these types of websites are quite large, consisting of hundreds or even thousands of webpages, and can include many different types of useful information, content, and webpages that are helpful to different constituencies.
Landing Page Or Single Page website
The purpose of a single-page site is usually to incite one main action such as a visitor becoming a lead. Many marketers create multiple different landing page websites for the purposes of generating leads for their clients.
E-commerce websites are business websites where people can directly buy products from, any website that includes a shopping cart and a way for you to provide credit card information to make a purchase falls into this category. It is also possible to have business website that don’t sell anything directly, but rather encourage visitors to get in contact for more information (a lead generation website) or come to a storefront if they’re interested in becoming customers.
Branding/ Biography / BLOG Type of website
Branding is a great way to reserve your digital presence and have a space that is your own to brand yourself.
Biography is a website that is dedicated to putting all of your projects in one place. it is typically linked to in a resume when job seekers apply to jobs.
Blog is a digital journal chronicling your specific journey, or quickly sharing life updates with friends and family.. Some do this to gain a large following so they can sell advertising space and make money doing something they enjoy to do.
Portfolio / Resume type of website
Portfolio websites showcases the work of artists, writers, craftspeople, designers and others working in creative fields. It will include extracts from or samples of the individual’s written work, and information about any books and other publications that the writer has produced.
A CV or Resume website is a simpler website serving to represent the professional life of an individual by illustrating his or her employment history and qualifications.
Entertainment / Media / News websites
Entertainment websites could be humor websites, webcomics, and those with fun or interesting contents. If you want to start an entertainment website, you’ve got a lot of options for formats that can take. You could make funny or informative videos, write entertaining blog posts, draw comics, or create fun quizzes.
News sites are digital counterparts of printed newspapers.
Media sites can be both about the news as well as entertainment. They’re not fixed to one niche of business and can include many different types of content.
Political / Government type of websites
Political websites focuses on political niche where political groups and politicians conduct election campaigns, keep in touch with constituents, and forge alliances with other groups or individuals.
A Government website is a place where citizens can learn about the government’s history, organizational values, codes of ethics, and information about elected officials and other public servants.
Educational websites
Educational websites can include games, videos or topic related resources that act as tools to enhance learning and supplement classroom teaching. These websites help make the process of learning entertaining and attractive to the student, especially in today’s age.
Community or Forums type of webs
A Community website is where members of a community share common interests and interact with each other primarily via the Internet.
An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages.
Catalog / Brochure types of website
Web catalogs contain a collection of linked internet addresses which are mostly sorted according to specific criteria e.g. by industry. They help users search for information in a more targeted way.
A brochure website is the online equivalent of a printed company brochure containing all relevant information about your business. A brochure website typically comprises up to 5 pages that include a home page, information about who you are, services and products, testimonials and contact details.
Crowdfunding website
Crowdfunding simply refers to the idea of raising funds for a project or cause through a large group of people online. Individuals or small businesses can take advantage of it to get early-stage support for their ideas.
Search Engine/ Social Media website
A Search Engine is a web-based tool that enables users to locate information on the World Wide Web
People have always been looking for ways to connect and network with each other and even socially active on the internet through various Social Media networking platforms.
Video / Photosharing type of website
A Video hosting website enables you to upload videos and share on social media sites. Some video hosting platform allows you to embed video to any site using custom generated codes.
A Photosharing website is used to store and share photos. Users upload their pictures to the site, which are stored on the server and made available to friends and family via personal Web pages.
Business Directory types of website
A business directory is a website or printed listing of information which lists businesses within niche based categories. It can be categorized by niche, location, activity, or size.
Coupon/Affiliate type of website
Coupon websites are essentially online advertising sites that use direct marketing to facilitate group-buying deals. They develop large customer databases by collecting the name, contact details and location of each person who purchases from them.
Affiliate marketing websites are built to refer visitors to products and services that fit their needs, each time you make a successful referral, you get paid a commission by whatever program you signed up for.
Auction / Job Posting type of website
Virtual auctions facilitate online activities between buyers and sellers in different locations or geographical areas. Various auction sites provide users with platforms powered by different types of auction software.
A Job posting website is the official advertisement of an open position for which the company is actively seeking a new-hire.
Non Profit type of website
Nonprofit websites don’t aim to sell products or services to their visitors, but they still need to convince people to support their cause. Websites are one of the primary ways the charity organizations connect with their potential patrons.
Review websites
A Review Websites on which reviews can be posted about people, businesses, products, or services.
A Q&A website is a site where people answer questions posted. It allows you to follow Topics, People, and Questions, which is great for keeping up with trends and questions that you never ran into yet. You can also choose to search for answers to specific questions right in the search bar on every page.
Once you have decided on what type of website are you most likely keen about, contact us here at Onoma Tech and we’ll be gladly to assist you. Let us create you an awesome website!